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Understanding the Automation Bottlenecks Widget
Understanding the Automation Bottlenecks Widget
Thomas Martens avatar
Written by Thomas Martens
Updated over a week ago

Our Automation Bottlenecks widget in the Analytics section allows you to better understand what is preventing Paperbox to save and re-allocate more of your team’s time.

💡 If you are unable to see the Automation Bottlenecks widget in your Analytics section, you might not have Admin access. You can reach out your internal Administrator to grant you access. After getting access, the widget should be visible.

Before diving into the Metrics, ensure you've read our Analytics support article to better understand the definitions and displayed information.

Select a specific Inbox, ideally for one office or team, and choose a short date range—preferably Today or Yesterday.

Next, filter out the Automation if it's not already visible. By examining the remaining percentages, you can quickly identify areas for improvement.

Classification Confidence: In our example, we could increase automation by 8% by slightly reducing the document threshold (thresholds are set per document type).

Adjusting the threshold might increase the margin of incorrectly classified documents. However, if reducing the threshold increases automation by 8% while only impacting incorrectly classified documents by 2%, you still achieve a significant 6% improvement.

You can always consult your Customer Success Manager for additional advice.

Masterdata: The masterdata portion represents the volume where Paperbox couldn't automatically link data to a field. To better understand this, navigate to the Archive and filter for "Approved" documents.

Look for documents handled by your team members. You can identify who handled a document by checking the Approved column.

When you find a document handled by a team member, examine what was missing. Was there any context for Paperbox? If so, note it down and share it with your Customer Success Manager. If there's no context, it might be an email that really required manual review and human involvement.

Archive Analysis: Another effective way to see your team's manual actions is by checking the Archive for the total number of deletions. All incoming volume that's manually deleted impacts the automation rate.

Are you noticing many advertisement emails, spam, or out-of-office replies still coming in? If so, consider adjusting our rules to start automatically deleting them.

For example, if there were 100 documents handled yesterday and the deletion page shows 15 manual deletes, the maximum volume Paperbox could automate is 85% (not accounting for other parameters in this example).

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